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Strange Boarders

Spring Play - Strange Boarders

A delightful scatterbrained maiden lady runs a boarding-house. Out of her goodness, Cordelia has adopted two girls—Candy and Gloria—practically adopted a delightful sea captain, and the "Professor" —both of them, like herself, impractical. Chiefly the play revolves round the efforts of an amusing band of bank robbers to elude the police in nearby Boston and get away with $10,000 in cash, which is brought to Cordelia's home by the Misses Amity and Priscilla Haines, who take rooms as respectable school teachers. To Cordelia's home also come Smiley, a sad-faced thug, Joey, a petty gangster, and the "Deacon," a fellow with much false piety and a benign manner. The gangsters, having seized the money stolen by the "brains" of the band, attempt to hide from their leader and keep the money themselves. Boston Benny, the "brains," unexpectedly appears, and tries to get even with his partners. Up to now Cordelia, vainly trying to organize her boarding-house on systematic principles, thinks that all the nice ladies and gentlemen who have suddenly come to her home are boarders, and she is in seventh heaven. However, the crooks cannot long keep secret who they are, and Cordelia's next problem is how to get the money, round up the crooks and get the reward for their capture. How she does this, with the help of her friends, provides comedy and suspense in generous amounts and brings all to happy conclusion

In this scene from %22Strange Boarders,%22 three characters are present. On the left is a female character wearing a black tank top, zebra print dress, a necklace, and a hat. Next to her is another female character in a denim button-down vest, holding her hands. The male character on the right has his arms crossed and is wearing a red sweater vest. Both women are looking at the male character.
In this scene from %22Strange Boarders,%22 a male character in a tan sweater vest is smiling at a girl to his left, who is looking down at the table. She is wearing a yellow button-down tank top. The table in front of them has a teapot and teacups.
In this scene, three girls are interacting. The girl on the left is wearing a denim button-down vest and shorts, looking to the right at the girl facing her. The girl in the middle, dressed in a black tank top, zebra print skirt, and red heels, has her pointer finger up. The girl next to her is smiling and has her hand on the middle girl's shoulder. She is wearing a black collared shirt, a black skirt, and is clutching a black purse.
In this scene from %22Strange Boarders,%22 four characters are sitting at a table with a teapot and tea cups. In the middle is a man with a grey afro and beard, wearing a sweater vest, looking down and to the right with his hands facing his nails. To his right is another male character in a brown suit, facing right. On the left, two girls are present; the girl farthest to the left is leaning on the table to get close to the grey-haired man, partially blocking the other girl.
This photo features two cast members from %22Strange Boarders.%22 On the left is a male student in a white button-down shirt with suspenders and khaki pants, smiling broadly. Next to him is a female student in a blue dress, smiling at the camera with her pointer finger up.
In this scene from %22Strange Boarders,%22 two women are sitting at a table with a teapot and teacups. The lady on the left, wearing black with her hair up, is reading a newspaper. The lady next to her is looking at the newspaper and holding her necklace in one hand.
In this scene from %22Strange Boarders,%22 a man and a woman are tying someone up to a chair. The person being restrained has their mouth covered with something.
In this scene from %22Strange Boarders,%22 a man in a black and white striped suit jacket is holding a gun towards another man, who appears terrified and is backing up towards the door. Next to the terrified man is a woman who also looks scared.
In this cast photo, the actors are standing on the steps in front of their scene, smiling and posing for the camera.


Cordelia Tuttle.......................................................Samantha Wilkinson

Candy Fenway........................................................Ariana Leamon

Professor Harriman...............................................Gabe Franco

Glory Fenway.........................................................Kassie Ziegler

Smiley.....................................................................Wyatt Miller

Joey........................................................................Chad Clifton

Captain Winkle.......................................................Trenton Klimper

John Todd..............................................................Connor Gerken

Amity Haines..........................................................Leslie Paxton

Priscilla Haines.......................................................Marisol Del Campo

Lon Daggett............................................................Matthew Hofman

Myrtle Hodge..........................................................Nancy Hochanadel

Susie.......................................................................Alycia Stewart

Boston Benny.........................................................Trevor Gerken

The Deacon............................................................Braedon Godin



Director...................................................................Morgan Larsen

Backstage Coordinator/Props...............................John Carlson

Assistant Directors.................................................Sydney Heier

Stage Manager........................................................Katlyn Moehr

Props Master..........................................................Colton Baltazar

                  ..................................................................Yarisa Amaya

Costumes................................................................Anna Reyes

                 ...................................................................Alycia Stewart

Lights......................................................................Maria Martinez

Sound....................................................................Ben Creighton

Backstage Crew.....................................................Sandy Bahr

                        ............................................................J.R. Mylander

                        ............................................................Adrianna Valverde

                        ............................................................Aurora Bullard