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Fall play - Dystopia: The Hungry Maze Game of Divergent Death

Trapped against their will in a dystopian future, a group of teens must battle against emotionally sensitive guards, limited budgets, and the trigger-happy Gamemaster to be proclaimed the winner. When the odds are this absurdly bleak, it seems certain that only the main character will make it out alive -- but first the contestants must decide who the main character is.


Gamemaster | Josiah Williams
Guard 1 | Niddian Garcia Garcia
Guard 2 | David Alvarez

The Contestants:

White | Rhonnel Akele
Blue/Zombie/Origami | Mary Ann Hill
Pink/Judge 1 | Javi Rodriguez
Brown/Judge 2 | Taya McBride
Red/Show Person 2 | Rory Pliley
Green/Gamemaster 2 | Leland Cooley
Lavender/Zombie | Sophia McGrory
Purple/Zombie | Rayne Garcia
Mauve/Judge 3/Fashion Sense | Jay Bower
Paisley/Show Person 1 | Melina Richards
Black/Beat Boxing/Zombie | Johnny Prouty
Magenta | Lizzy Gross
Violet/Guard 3 | Yarely Uribe
Orange/Guard 4 | Briana Ansbach
Mr. Cuddles | Max Grenemyer
Teal | Claire Dalrymple
Navy | Jesus Espinoza


Director | Morgan Larsen
Assistant Director | Tahais Guerrero
Stage Manager | Liam Garvin
Assistant Stage Manager | Wakea Bohling
Costumers | Nalleli Flores Robles & Adrian Uribe
Props Master | Seamus Garvin
DMX Lights | Emily Baker
Lights | Zach Ridl
Sound | Ezekiel Elswick
Spotlight | Tyler Hedke & Sarai Garcia Garcia

This was taken during a play performance. A group of characters on stage are dressed in black.
This picture was taken during a play performance. In this scene, four characters dressed in black are all staring into the distance.
This photo was taken during a play performance. It shows a character with green and red paint around his eyes. He is smiling and tilting his head to the left.
This photo was taken during a play performance. In this scene, a male character stands at a podium with his left hand raised and his right hand extended toward a female character who is looking away. To the left, another male character has his eyes closed, and there is smoke in the background.
This photo was taken during a play performance. The scene shows two characters sitting on the stairs of the stage, engaged in a stressful conversation.
This photo was taken during a play performance. In the scene, one character is lying down unconscious, while another character kneels beside him, holding his stomach and looking up in sadness.
This photo was taken during a play performance. A character stands at a large podium with a red X on it, looking down and shrugging. The other characters, dressed in all black, are looking at each other.
This photo was taken during a play performance. A person dressed in a bear costume stands on two legs to the far left, while the characters to the right are looking up at it.
This photo was taken during a play performance. Three characters are standing in front, smiling, while the characters behind them clap in support.
This photo was taken during a play performance. On the left side, two characters dressed in vests and khakis stand together. In the middle, a character wearing a red blazer and khakis is holding hands with two female characters on the right, who are dressed in gold dresses. They are all smiling, looking at each other or the audience, and appear to be preparing to bow.
This photo was taken during a play performance. It shows two people holding a grey brick wall with spray paint on it. A character stands between them, looking down at another character lying unconscious on the ground.