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June of 1965, cornerstone is laid out for the new high school. Around 1965-66, first year in the new building after being in the old middle school for 40 years. The first year Mustangs became the new high schools mascot. Before that we were the Fort Morgan Maroons and our mascot was a black and maroon

Front of the school

Back of the school

Back then, the high school had a newspaper for the school called Megaphone. Now it has been renamed HoofbeatSince they didn't have any sorts of technology that we have today, they would print them on newspapers. It would transform from paper to the world wide web over the years.

In 1988, Fort Morgan High Schools Auditorium was renamed the Glenn Miller Auditorium. 

In 1990, library Automation is added (books gets barcodes and can be checked out by computer), and the Business department installs first computers.

In 1995, the library gets six computers for students to use.

Heres an interesting fact about the AG class, it was the student office as well as classroom 121. They used to only have one classroom and had another built to accommodate the two teachers. The student office was built in 1997. 

In 1998, bond issue passes after failing in 1997. New additions are planned for the high schools.

Summer of 1999, construction begins for new additions.

February of 2000, the school is closed due to asbestos. Remainder of the year classes are held at the old middle school. Due to asbestos cost, additions to the high school are scaled back.

Fall of 2001, Construction is complete and there are new additions added to FMHS:

  • Four business classrooms/ computer labs
  • 2 Math classrooms
  • 2 New science classrooms 
  • Expanded/ redesigned library
  • Auxiliary gym
  • Expanded office area (assistant principals office area added, faculty workroom and restrooms)
  • Counseling offices
  • Internet access is each classroom/ teacher computer/ phone in each classroom
  • New seats are installed in the Auditorium

In 2002, the first surveillance cameras are added and the Greenhouse is added in the courtyard.

In 2005, another bond issue is passed allowing for some of the additions that were cut from the previous bond issue:

  • Commons area expanded (where to the round tables are now)
  • 4 new classrooms are added-the two spanish classrooms and the two math classrooms down below
  • Elevator is installed for access from the upper gym to the gym floor
  • Improvements to Legion Field

In 2011, display cases are added to the upper commons.